When I was taking my coaching classes at PCCI, the questions that seemed to pop up most, about the nuts and bolts of a coaching practice, were in regards to the client onboarding process. This important step toward serving a new client seemed burdensome, not only for the coach but for the client as well.

Sending a multi-page form(s) by email so that the coachee has to print it out, write legibly, scan all the forms back in, and email them back meant that many of my clients either didn’t do it, only completed it partially, or sent me something that I struggled to read because it was filled out so hastily.

Not only was all of that terribly inconvenient but I felt like I wasn’t getting to know my client very well before we had our first session. That’s why I put together My Coach Portal, and why each new portal site comes with a welcome packet baked in (Phase 1). My clients can now use their phones to submit their information and I don’t have to try and interpret their handwriting.

The same goes for their prep forms!

We’re just getting started with this project and I’m glad that you’ve decided to join us. How do YOU plan on using your portal site? What would make between-the-calls interaction with your clients easier for you?

The best is yet to come!